Thursday, August 18, 2011

The recipe…

I’ve been asked a couple of times for the recipe for the coffee cake so here it is. Now I can’t take credit for the basic recipe but I also can’t remember where I found it but if it’s yours tell me and you can have the credit. I’ll just take the credit for changing it to what my family likes best. So here it is….

Wet stuff first:

1 cup of wet white stuff - cottage cheese, yogurt, mashed potatoes, milk, ect.   I used raspberry yogurt

1/4 cup butter, oil, avocado - I used butter - I make it from a pint of 1/2 and 1/2 that's expired (cheap and great for baking)

1 cup sugar or similar - I used splenda (when I say I use brand names it's really the generic stuff but easier for people to know what to look for)

2 beaten eggs or egg substitute - I used my own farm eggs

1 tsp vanilla or lemon juice - I've used both and like both

1 1/2 cups wet stuff - pineapple, applesauce, grated carrots, zucchini, bananas. I used a mix of zucchini and squash I pureed together

Dry stuff:

2 tsp spice - mix them up - so far I've just used cinnamon I like it best

1 tsp baking soda

2 tsp baking powder

2 cups flour or cut with oats, brand cereal, wheat bran - I used 1 cup whole wheat flour, 1/2 cup white and 1/2 wheat bran (if after you mix it all up and it seems to be a bit sloppy add a bit more flour of your choice.

1 cup fruit, nuts, chips anything you like. I have used all kinds of berries, raisins, chocolate chips, banana's, just about anything I can find in the house. I've even used cranberries, fresh, frozen and canned.

Mix it all up and either put into muffin tins or I like to just make it in a 9x13 pan and bake at 375 for 20 minutes for the muffins and 35 minutes for the cake, or until it's done. I have found out the cake is super moist and sometimes needs just a bit longer on a lower setting for about 10 minutes. Not always just depends on how juicy the berries were. It's a great recipe that I've tweak along the way. I wish I could remember where I found it the first time around but can't remember so really it's not all mine just partly.

Enjoy, it is really good and not bad for you at all. I did figure out the calories for one muffin and it was like 50-60 calories when no chocolate used.


Flying high in the sky.... said...

loved it!! loved the other posts too !! i am trying to enrol as your follower but cannot see the button :( !!! when is this problem going to get sorted :( hope you are having a great time!!! do let us know about your bus driving experience!! you will be the best!! i am sure!! God Bless..

Baby Sister said...

Hmmm....sounds nummy. I'll have to make it one day. :)

Of One Heart said...

Sush- hit "follow" on the navbar on top, instead.

Julie- this recipe, I just want to eat up. Saying good foodie things to the hungry is a crime and you are now a criminal. :(