Saturday, March 29, 2014
Thursday in St. Cloud. I worked special needs this week so that meant driving from Crosby to St. Cloud, staying and than coming home 5 days this week. It was good for a change but I will be so ready to get back into my bus on Monday.
This is today, March 29th. I had to go to our neighbors and read they propane tank gauge and had to trek through 3-4’ of snow. Than I decided to take our goose to my parents. He needed to get out and move around a bit so I made him walk the road with me to their house and than took my daddy for a nice long walk. I figured the goose would wait at their house until I came back. NOPE!!!! He decided he wanted to go back to my house. Of course he knows better than to walk the road alone so he walked the top of the snow drifts to our fence line and than got stuck. The fence line is also the tree line so that means the snow goes from deep to just about grass and he rolled down the snow bank into the trees and couldn’t get back. I could hear him calling for me coming back from my walk. I Couldn’t find him until I followed his foot prints but it was so funny, all I could do was hear him and he me and he’d honk and honk and I finally found him. Got him back on the snow and he waddled home through the gate while I fell through the snow, up past my knees, home. I may of gotten little or no exercise this week driving but I sure got lots of exercise this morning trudging through the snow.
Where’s spring? I think it left us for another place. More snow tomorrow and Monday. Yippie, NOT!!!!
Hope you’re having a great weekend. Sorry I’ve been away for a bit but life has some huge bumps I’m working on and it’s taking all my strength and courage to get through them. I’ll share next week but till than just keep my family in my prayers as I do yours in mine.
Blessings my friends!!!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Week one completed…
So my fitbit sends me things and this is a recap of last week. My first full week with the fitbit. I’m still working on figuring it all out but so far it’s done most of the work for me. I lost 1.1 lbs and didn’t eat any cereal or bread. It’s a beginning. Now it’s onto week 2. I had some gluten free bread and I’m not impressed but if I’m really missing it I can make this a go to bread. I had some rice cold cereal and I’m not impressed but know that this can be a good too also. I think I’ll just stick with no bread and cereal for a while. It’s to early in the plan to add these things back anyways.
Yesterday I got a gift from Deb. She sent me the Wheat Belly book written my William Davis, MD. We are going to read this together and learn how to limit and enjoy without feeling deprived and to learn why we need to do this. Since I’m not self diagnoising me, I’m just looking for a better way to eat and feel good I’m not going to take all wheat from my diet but will learn from this book the goods and bads and go from there. There has to be a place in the middle that works for health, body and soul and the mind that has to agree too.
So my stats from my fitbit for my first full week are below. I am doing okay and just need to keep it up. I am fine with a 1.1lb loss and don’t care if it takes me a year to loss all I want too as long as I listen to my body and teach it a few things along the way.
Hi Julie R., here are your weekly stats.
3/03/2014 to 3/09/2014
Fri, Mar 7
Sun, Mar 9
11,296 steps
14,732 steps
34.07 miles
4.87 miles
6.36 miles
18455 cals burned
6744 cals eaten
-3500 plan deficit
1.1 lb loss
7 hrs 32 min
(good thing for weekends because my average sleep on the week days is less than 6).
Last week's badges
Take care my friends. I hope that you all have an awesome week. Blessings!!!
Monday, March 10, 2014
Almost wordless Wednesday….a bit early because I will forget...
This is what I drove this past weekend for a pep-band activity to Bagley. The band was awesome, the girls basketball team tried. I love my job both week days with 40-50 kids and weekends to activities.
Blessings my friends!
My first full week with my fitbit….
I am loving my fitbit. It’s helping me keep on track. I have anywhere’s from 4500 steps (on a Saturday where I go and do not to much but house stuff) to 15,000-18,000 steps where I’ve gone for a hike or walk with Mike or Kim (I go on my own too but I really love the company to walk with).
So today it’s 40 and sunny. It’s our first 40* day since last October. I took my daddy out for a walk and than I went for a jolk. Daddy and I went for 1.5 miles and than I went for another 2 miles. It is so nice to be in the sun and also getting out there doing something other than quick walks in town.
Do you notice the fence behind me? It’s a 5’ fence and there’s only about 10” of fence showing and the snow has settled some in the past couple of days with this warmth. We have snow!
So here’s to a good week. Tomorrow is weigh in. I’m not expecting much but I would like to see a bit of a result from no bread or cereal and today is day 7 without them both. I didn’t die without it but it still calls my name though not as loudly at first. I’m going to keep this up for another week and I’m also going to add limited sugar. I’m going to be fine with the sugar that comes in fruits, veggies, milk and juice but I won’t have things that I have added it to or candy.
I’ll tell you tomorrow what is up, or hopefully down that is.
Take care my friends and have an awesome week. Blessings to you all!!
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Today . . .
Food in, not great in the calorie count but good that it wasn’t cereal or bread. Had dinner at the DQ with Mike, his treat, and over indulged. I did track it all though.
My walking and hike with Mike was awesome.
And I didn’t wear it this morning, I forgot to charge my fitbit last night. So I know I’m over the 10,000 steps for the day. I also had 17 minutes of very active which was my fast walking with Mike in our 45 minutes out.
So I slowly getting back into the swing of it. Gotta cut those calories though, I was at 2240….that’s double my normal intake.
Here I come day three. No cereal, no bread and no candy. Another hike. But first a good night sleep.
Sleep well my friends. Good night. Blessings!!!
Happy dance….
Not because I have it all together, heck I’m so far from all together it isn’t funny. I’m doing the happy dance because you guys commented, you guys had some ideas, you guys gave me support. You guys are amazing. Thank you so much.
Now day one went great with no cold/hot cereal and no bread. It was/is hard. Today isn’t any better however I thought a bit ahead and bought some banana’s, yogurt, cottage cheese and sweet peppers yesterday so have a little more go to stuff. So breakfast was a banana and yogurt and lunch was two cut up sweet peppers and cottage cheese. I am thinking soup for supper though don’t have time for homemade but do have two cans of healthy choice chicken and something and there’s a tiny bit of salad left.
For now the only things I’m going to even try and do is keep cereal and bread out of my diet and move my butt more. I’m not going to tackle anything else until I know I can skip that oh so yummy cold cereal and toast.
Marc took some time to email me a few words and that was the one that had me thinking. All of your comments were awesome, but Marc’s stood out and all day long yesterday I thought about it. He pointed out a couple things to me that I just couldn’t see beyond my fat. I am not a lazy, eat everything wrong, don’t take care of myself person. I just needed to see some good.
So it’s on, not a real diet, but it’s on. Learning to listen to my body, getting what I need and doing what I do best and that’s taking care of and helping others and working as hard as I can.
Suzi told me that I could copy some of her meals because making up a menu way ahead of time just isn’t for me. But she usually has the same stuff in her kitchen that I do or should I say I have the same as her…..anyways, I’m just going to take a few of her meals and work with them.
It’s a start, it’s step in the right direction. And tonight, it’s suppose to be near 25* (this morning when I got up it was –20 and I wasn’t not in the least bit thrilled) so Mike and I are going for a walk. We can’t get on the trails yet so we’ll just walk around his town and just enjoy the warmth. Going to take the dogs too because I’m not the only round one in this family, Wilbur is getting there too.
Blessing my friends. This is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. I’m trying, hope you can too.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Fail, failure, just plain stupid and I can’t get it together….
I know what I need to do. I know even how to do it (well sort of), I just can not kick it in the butt and do it. The scale is going in the wrong direction. It started out pretty good in January and after that things didn’t keep going. I really need to start over, I really need too.
Do you think it’s okay to have day 1 yet again? How about a day 1 never to be seen again?
Mike bought me a fitbit. I have wanted one for a very long time and now I have one. It’s only 3 days old and so far I’ve learned that my sleep cycle bites, my steps are anywhere from 8000-15000 but they are just steps. It says the hardest I’ve worked is 7 minutes in a row and we all know that isn’t a calorie burner. There are lots of things on this band I need to learn.
I need help my friends. I don’t know if any of you read me anymore but if you do I need you. I am fat, miserable and I don’t even feel good. I think I have figured out that if I eat cold cereal, oatmeal, bread in anything but tiny portion I feel yucky. Not sure what that means yet either. Giving up these things, well to be honest, make me worried. They are my mainstay. It’s what I will eat 3 times a day (yep, I know it’s bad, that’s why the scale creeps in the wrong direction).
So gotta start somewhere. Where will that be? More to come ….. I hope.