Thursday in St. Cloud. I worked special needs this week so that meant driving from Crosby to St. Cloud, staying and than coming home 5 days this week. It was good for a change but I will be so ready to get back into my bus on Monday.

This is today, March 29th. I had to go to our neighbors and read they propane tank gauge and had to trek through 3-4’ of snow. Than I decided to take our goose to my parents. He needed to get out and move around a bit so I made him walk the road with me to their house and than took my daddy for a nice long walk. I figured the goose would wait at their house until I came back. NOPE!!!! He decided he wanted to go back to my house. Of course he knows better than to walk the road alone so he walked the top of the snow drifts to our fence line and than got stuck. The fence line is also the tree line so that means the snow goes from deep to just about grass and he rolled down the snow bank into the trees and couldn’t get back. I could hear him calling for me coming back from my walk. I Couldn’t find him until I followed his foot prints but it was so funny, all I could do was hear him and he me and he’d honk and honk and I finally found him. Got him back on the snow and he waddled home through the gate while I fell through the snow, up past my knees, home. I may of gotten little or no exercise this week driving but I sure got lots of exercise this morning trudging through the snow.
Where’s spring? I think it left us for another place. More snow tomorrow and Monday. Yippie, NOT!!!!
Hope you’re having a great weekend. Sorry I’ve been away for a bit but life has some huge bumps I’m working on and it’s taking all my strength and courage to get through them. I’ll share next week but till than just keep my family in my prayers as I do yours in mine.
Blessings my friends!!!