Saturday, December 21, 2013

My sock swap….and….

My partner in this most awesome Secret Santa Sock Swap was Darlene and I had the most fun putting her package together. Now of course all my ducks aren’t in a row and I forgot to take a pictures so I’m stealing the one she put on her post. If you click the picture you can meet a really awesome woman in the process.


Now my partner sent me some really cool things too. Her name is Julie (I really liked that, sharing a name). If you click on this picture you can meet another most awesome lady. These ladies are runner and so full of inspiration. I loved it all but my most favorite was the Joy picture holder. I will be finding the perfect picture to put in there this Christmas. Thank you so much Julie and Darlene and mostly Courtney for letting me be part of this sock swap.

Sock swap

It’s suppose to be the most wonderful time of year but I am finding it very difficult this year. I’m working on trying to keep up my spirits but it’s hard and it’s not all just the loss of Cindy. My parents are not dealing with anything well and it’s me that gets the dirty end of the stick. I know they don’t mean too it just happens. I am doing my very best to try and hold it all together but it’s really not easy. I can feel it in my heart, mind and mostly my body which is rebelling with a cold. Lawyers are as slow as molasses, friends of my parents are not to much of friends, I feel sorry for my friends putting up with me. Oh my goodness. I am never in a hurry for time to pass but you know, I want 2013 to be over with so that a new year can start and hopefully with it some really good experiences. However I know in my heart that it’s sorta like wishing, we all know about wishing.

So instead of dwelling on a bad week I’m going to embrace this weekend (starting now since this morning really bit the nasty stuff). I have daycare tonight and he’s such a sweetie. We are going to make some bath goodies for his parents for Christmas. Than we’ll see if we can find a Christmas movie or something to just cuddle up with. Tomorrow Jim and I are going shopping and we are going to get the materials to make my counter top for my craft room. It’s coming together so nicely.

For now, I’ll just smile and forget and forgive and move forward. At least try. Take care my friends and have an awesome weekend. Christmas is fast approaching and it’s time to just gather friends and family and remember the real reason for the whole thing.



Karen Butler Ogle said...

Hugs, my friend. You have been through so much. I know things are difficult for you and I wish I could help/ Things aren't perfect here but I'm reminding myself that I do have so much to be thankful for this year. Sometimes things are darkest just before the dawn. I'm trying to keep that in mind. Love you.

E. Jane said...

Some years are more difficult than others--that's for sure. You have had lots of challenges, but blessings and peace to you and your family in the new year. Take care, my friend!

Maren said...

Dear Julie, you're going through such a hard time now. I know it's a poor comfort, but it WILL pass. Things will turn. There's the promise of a brand new year with new possibilities. I'm cheering for you friend!


Michele said...

I know this holiday season was going to be tough for you. Losing a sister is very hard. You had a very intense and stressful year. I hope the New Year brings less trauma and more respite for you and your family. Merry Christmas and here is to a successful new year in your healthy journey!

Debsdailylife said...

Julie, Did you make that ?potholder? with the penguin? You are so amazingly talented!!!
Grieving the loss of loved ones is so hard over the holidays!! Prayers!!!! and Hugs!!! And as you take care of your parents and aunt!!! I dont have answers!! BUT, I do have ears to listen!!

Baby Sister said...

Cute stuff, cute stuff. I hope you had a relaxing holiday weekend. :)