To Marc, I’m still walking Marc. My numbers have to go just a tiny bit further so here’s what it’s been like for walking the past week.

Each walk was only 2 miles but in snow gear and the ice and darkness I thought that was far enough. Today I’m going hiking in the better than knee deep snow because it’s the weekend to check out the local cabins and make sure all is well. I’m not to fond of the knee deep stuff.

I took my mama and daddy and Mike out for Christmas eve breakfast. We had a great visit, great meal and everyone was in good spirits. It’s been a different Christmas season but we are doing our best to make new things happen and remember the old with smiles.

This is my Wilbur. He loves me and sits in my lap every single time he can. Doesn’t he look distinguished in those glasses? He looks better in them than I do.
Soon I’m going to be able to share more of my playroom. This weekend we are getting counter top and shelving materials. It’s coming together so nicely and I am so excited to get in there and mess it all up.
I’ve had daycare most of this week. And we’ve been busy. We went sledding yesterday. I climbed the tailings pile 5 times and went down. My legs were mighty tired last night and poor Wilbur. He hurt so bad I had to carry him to bed.

I spent the day at Mike’s this week too. It was just a movie watching, organizing, working on budget day and just a plain relaxing together day.

We went to the casino for Christmas dinner with my in-laws. Afterwards we walked around. We are not gamblers and are not about to put money into a machine that eats it like candy but it is fun watching others do it.

The weather was been so weird for us this year. Today it’s 30 right now, tonight it’s suppose to get to minus 20 and highs tomorrow –10. Yesterday was an awesome day at 35 above.

We have to plow snow today. First it required cleaning out in front of the bobcat and for me to shovel, shovel and more shovel in the places it’s packed with ice or to close to the buildings. But we better do it today, don’t want to do it in the subzero again tomorrow.

I took this picture many, many years ago and it won me a prize or two. I call it …. “Take time to smell the …..tulips”. I love it and love that I keep finding it. It’s sorta like a reminder too. I’m going to have it printed and than frame it and put it up in my room.
Anyways my friends. I wanted to check in and share a bit. The new year is fast approaching and other than doing my best to keep the family plugging along and working on making me the healthiest I possible can I think that will be enough to keep me busy.
Take care everyone and please have a safe and wonderful new year.