Sunday, November 24, 2013

Something fun and to kick off the holiday season….


And I am so in the need of a kick start. The holiday is fast approaching and I’m not even beginning to be ready. Deb found this and shared and now I’m sharing. Want to have some fun, go check this out. Click on the banner and it’ll take you right there.

Are you in the spirit of the holidays? I usually am, this year it’s hard.

Take care my friends. It’s Thanksgiving shortly and no matter what life has handed you/me we really are blessed.


Baby Sister said...

Even though sometimes it's hard to think about the blessings when surrounded by trials it is so true. We are all so incredibly blessed. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Julie!

Sarah G said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Julie!!

Michele said...

Happy thanksgiving, Julie! It will be different, but it will be good. Enjoy a little time off, maybe?

Flying high in the sky.... said...

take care ....